Dear Parents,
‘Quizzing’ is a talent that has to be developed right from the lower classes. Our students, Srethan & Sankaralingam of Std XII are the perfect example for this. As Einstein said,” The most important thing is to never stop asking questions”. The more we question the better answers we get. Quizzing is all about finding the right answers to the questions.
Through this very interesting video, they are sharing with us some important insights about the world of quizzing. Needless to say, they themselves had put the video together.
Get set for a very interesting 24 minutes.
Dear ALL,
“Learning to draw is really a matter of learning to see – to see correctly – and that means a good deal more than merely looking with the eye.”
Our student, Sowgandhikaa has obviously mastered the art of seeing correctly and the proof of this lies in her beautiful Soft Pastel and Charcoal drawings. This video also tells us interesting features of both Soft Pastel & Charcoal drawings.
Enjoy !
LINK : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Glp5RtyoN4OrRfNqVvwbnLURP9LezWvV/view?usp=sharing
Dear ALL,
“A true artist is not one who is inspired but one who inspires others.” Jeevana is proud to present the video of one such ‘True Artist’,
S.Madhu Raksha. Her expressions, whether they are through drawings, paintings, sketches or dances are truly inspiring. Enjoy !
LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jjiwlGimqtF0xgv3yiR5nZOl2IPI_Usa/view?usp=sharing
“The dancer is at once the sculptor, sculpting and structuring space, in forms both graceful and powerful. She is the painter, adding tints and hues to a line drawing, bringing it to life. She is the poet, writing her poems with movements, gestures and expressions. Ultimately she is the seeker, whose dance becomes a transcendental, transforming experience – a joyous prayer with one’s very being.”
Dear ALL,
When the famous dancer, Alarmel Valli said the above words, she must have just seen our children, Aparna, Arunima & Shalini perform. Today, we proudly share with you a few dances by them. These dances are truly a prayer to God.
“Family is like music, some high notes, some low notes, but always a beautiful song”
Dear ALL,
We are proud to bring you this video orchestrated by cousins, Shri Dhanya of Std V ‘D’ & Darshan of Std VII ‘A’ . Both of them have performed like artists of a symphony orchestra, complementing each other’s notes and the silences perfectly !
Enjoy !
LINK :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EsSN6oJ-PPOCdyT6GtBMC6gtlq7ZhGWP/view?usp=sharing
Dear ALL ,
We are proud to share with all of you a very informative and sweet little video on Aquariums by Aruna of Std VIII. Her views expressed in lucid and pithy sentences complement the carefully selected images to convey the details related to Aquariums. A very relaxing and engaging video exactly the way Aquariums are supposed to be.
Enjoy !
“Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God.”
Dear ALL,
It is a matter of pride to us that many of our talented children are using their time judiciously to develop various talents gifted to them by God. S.K.Pranav Venket of Std VII D is a very well behaved, hard working, humble and extremely talented child. It is our pleasure to present to you a video on Vocal music and Mridangam by Pranav.
Enjoy !
Dear ALL,
” Where words fail, music speaks. To dance is to be in tune with the steps of life. Communication is not only about words and numbers. Some thoughts can’t be properly expressed in these ways at all. We also think in sounds and images, in movements and gestures, which give rise to our capacities for music, visual arts, dance and theater in all their variations.”
All talented and dynamic children will express themselves in various ways and the perfect example for this is Vaishnavi Eswar of Std X. A beautiful youngster who believes in systematic work, Vaishnavi is exceptionally good in both dance and the Keyboard. She has a very disciplined routine which helps her shine in all fields. Jeevana is very proud to present her video to you.
LINK :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1n5c_hktY7out8i44yON5sEhVj0gFy9Ks/view?usp=sharing
Dear ALL,
“Dance is a physical and mental workout. Once you get your body moving, you will see a difference. When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It’s to enjoy each step along the way” such interesting eternal truths are expressed by S.Vikasni of Std IX B in this video which is a wonderful LEC DEM. She is forever encouraging others, always identifying the pluses in them. Hers is a well rounded personality. Her time management is excellent. She believes in trying her best in all that she does, no wonder then that she comes out in flying colours in curricular,
co-curricular and extracurricular activities. She walks the talk, as this video proves.
Welcome to the world of this sensible and wonderful human being.
How can we describe a DANCER, we asked Google, and the answers were :
Performer, Rhythmic, Visionary, Graceful, Poised, Elegant, Strong, Dramatic, Talented, Serene, Patient, Hypnotic, Disciplined, Dedicated, Inspired, Creative, Imaginative, Innovative, Expressive, Emotive, Skilled, Nimble, Melodic, Artistic, Focused, Passionate, Soulful, Athletic, Instinctive, Musical ……
We were wondering how can one dancer be all these and then we saw Prarthana dance, she is all these and more.
Jeevana is very proud to have such a student, may God bless her with every kind of success and happiness !
Dear ALL,
Watch this video which is a witness to the above few words.
“Versatility is like white light, you need a prism to bring out the rainbow of your talents.” The pandemic was that prism which made us realise how versatile is Jessica Cecelia of Std VIII E.
The number of things she does with equal skill and expertise is to be seen to be believed. She has her own YouTube channel, ‘Jessica’s Hobby Basket’. This video will give some idea about the various things that go into that basket. We have all learnt a number of things from her. It is a pride for the school to have such a versatile and organised student.
Enjoy the video 🙂
LINK :https://drive.google.com/file/d/18kvQTAt9u_pZsxAg7RWrLKytfHFjZyH7/view?usp=sharing
Dear Parents,
It is said, “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything” but it is also said, “A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.”
Our little bird, Ananya of Std IV B, has been surprising us with her spontaneous singing, her repertoire is as amazing as the songs of the birds we hear early in the morning. As we hear her singing calmly and then end every song with a shy smile, we feel how blessed we are to have such a talented little child in our school.
Dear ALL ,
We are proud to post this video from our very talented all rounder, Kuhapriya of Std V. Kuhapriya’s time management is excellent and with the constant support and encouragement of her parents, she does everything well, be it academics or painting or art or singing or dancing or ……… oh, the list is endless.
We pray to god to bless her with more and more successes in all that she does.
Here is the link to the sweet video.
Dear Parents,
Jeevana is very happy and proud to share with all of you a very special video prepared by Amith and Amisha. Both the children are very talented and hats off to them for gifting us such a sweet video. Mention must also be made that this video was put together by Amith himself. How talented can a child be !!!